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  • Bevan Docherty

    was it hard growing up with a name like bevan? how many times did he lose his lunch money?
    Devan Bocherty sounds way cooler.

    to many beers for me tonight
    Aaron Webstey
  • Behold... the new TRS Racing logo.

    id give it a shot...more of the 2 piece guy myself but will try it out for sure!
  • Stay Safe, East Coast Bretheren

    were just under 2ft in boston. 22in. have a little more coming. cant even imagine how it is in maine
    Aaron Webstey
  • Stay Safe, East Coast Bretheren

    HOWS EVERYONE DOIN?! Hunkering down all day today, drinking some beers catching up on game of thrones. whats everyone up to thats getting hit with snow???
    Aaron Webstey
  • Coming soon: TRS 21 w/ Leon Griffin and James "The Hadmeister" Hadley

    Ben - I'm reading some of the questions and I think you should do a show or implement a segment that is essentially a Triathlon version of Daniel Tosh's Web Redemptions. For instance get the guy on the phone with the infamous Ironman Shit Photo, Finman, The woman from Transition Three, definitely Surfing Lamb who was dropped by his coach and I am sure there are others. Those infamous age groupers that have us all so damn fascinated.

    I think one of my favorite interviews was the piss-tent pro. Just a thought that popped in my head right now.
    I second this...awesome idea
  • TRS 20 Richard Izzo of Toughman

    @TheRealStarky well done podcast today. Interview was good, wasn't super long, very engaging. @Dark_Mark we missed you
  • plan or no plan

    I write my own plan because I am poor, knowledge is power and I also enjoy it. As a personal trainer I write a lot of workouts in a day/week/month for people, understand periodization and specificity for workouts. I also love reading coaching philosphies of many coaches, Sutton, Friel, Dixon, Cliff English, Kroplenicki, to name a few, they all bring something different and new to the table. I like to combine philosphies and see what works and what doesnt work. Everyones body responds differently to training whether it is high volume, low intensity. high intensity low volume, and so on. I write my workouts in an excel sheet, briefly stating how long it will be, what the key focus of that workout will be and the type of workout it will be.
    I have been coached before, I thought it was ok but though I could do better. maybe it was the coach? maybe it was me? I also bought a plan off TP one year, didnt like it at all and wound up using it as a guideline.
    Best piece of advice is to use Joe Friels book, the training bible, paired with your best triathlon. (there is a lot of layover) its a great place to start if you havent done so already.
    The beauty of making your own plan is that you can change things and not feel that guilty. I am always moving workouts around to fit my schedule and needs week to week. I create a 4 block week of all my workouts(ideal places and times) then as each week approaches things come up and I move some things around.
    Let me know if you have any questions...Sorry for the LONG post.
    Aaron Webstey
  • CES 2015.... WHAT!?!?!? So truly this was the break out story of CES this year.

    Theres a guy here on Boston who all he does is ride/run inside. He actually does an annual indoor ironman.... @Radowicz knows who im talking about

    I noticed Don isnt wearing asics...did he leave them for On Cloud??
  • Am I the only cheap old miser out there?

    Dont worry @AaronWebstey Im with you man...3 years into my profession that doesnt pay a lot and my wife that is a law student grad at an entry level job at a start up living in Boston makes me poor. no idea how people afford all of this! Im scraping by ha ha ha

    I need a beer. jesus
    Aaron Webstey
  • Challenge Races

    @AaronWebstey mullets all the way
    Aaron Webstey

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